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Excellent analogy!

I can picture my husband and me as being among the few who do not want to be captureed into the ant hill, but that could mean living with austerity, if we are cut off from the world through digital technologies meant to track all the ants. Personally, I do have trepidation about that scenario, but I also believe that there are some [ant] hills worth dying on.

Also, I like your thoughts about reaching out to illegals, if they are not deported, to try to communicate with them the values that America was founded on and how those would serve them well too. That may be very difficult, seeing how unsuccessfully the mass immigration to Europen countries over the past decade has turned out, becoming a breeding ground for people who do not assilimate and who wish to disrupt Western cultures. Ideally, we should deport all of the people who came here illegally, and give deference to those trying their hardest to come here legally. We are far from living in an ideal world, though. So, we should be thinking about how to reach out to those who will stay, despite the illegality. Just my two cents...

Great essay, as always!

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Well said.

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Great writeup.

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Thanks for this. Sometimes it's nice to hear what you really think but don't articulate for . . . reasons.

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