In my various and sundry ruminations I often think that, in a way, it's not capitalism versus communism or any combination thereof, rather it's about the question of is such and such a person an agent of the human ant hill, or not. Do the ideas and ideologies to which we are exposed really have much basis in societal improvement, or are they just excuses for a top down system, a human ant hill?
What is a human ant hill? Simply a society of humans organized like a society of ants. Some people would like to live in a human ant hill, and others wouldn't; after all, some people just want to be taken care of. Those happy with the human ant hill loathe and fear those who do not.
"If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom." ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
One way to look at our current situation in the U.S. is not ideological but that the bureaucracies have grown so large, and so independent from outside control, that we are living in an administrative state, explaining why voting has less and less impact. The administrative state sees all of us as a colony of ants, and themselves as an agglomeration of queens. Though we are not there yet they think they just need to keep expanding their control until we are truly a human ant hill. (Part of the reason Trump is hated by the deep state is that he took away their immunity from firing.)
I think that there are two types of people, those who desire to control others and those who don't, though I suppose that it may be more like gradations. If you get a critical mass of those with the desire to control others together, and they have significant means of control, you probably drift into human ant hill mode. Creating a large and mostly unaccountable bureaucracy is a recipe for creating such an ant hill. (Of course, the Bill of Rights has to go, especially the first and second amendments.)
We therefore are faced with the following question; do ideologies create human ant hills, or do human ant hills create ideologies, or maybe some of both? Once an ant hill is forming excuses for it's existence need to be made, so a vast ideological framework may be constructed to provide support.
In ancient times the justification for the ant hill may have been as simple as “I'm the king and I can have anyone killed that I want, so do as I say.” But even there it was important to foster the belief that the king had support of the gods. (Once a priestly class could predict solar eclipses it became easier. Now our priestly class predicts climate change. Remember, when the rich and powerful give you reasons for why they should have more riches and more power, be suspicious.)
"There are men running governments who shouldn't be allowed to play with matches." ~ Will Rogers
If a country is not a human ant hill how does one go about making it one? Were the actions of the various governments during the COVID event an attempt to move us into, or at least toward, a human ant hill? Note that it was world wide. The lock-downs, the masks, the social distancing made us considerably more ant hill like. Vast numbers of small businesses closed, shifting their income streams into more easily controlled corporations. The powers of the state were significantly increased, and they are desperate to retain them, so try to be less governable.
"The taxpayers are sending congressmen on expensive trips abroad. It might be worth it except they keep coming back" ~ Will Rogers
Most regions of the world for most of history, and most of the world today, were and are of the top down authoritarian variety. It's western civilization in which the people believe in and practice self rule, so western civilization is under attack, and at least a partial replacement of the populace is being attempted by bringing into the country vast numbers of people who do not have a self governing mind set.
"We the people, elect leaders not to rule but to serve" ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
In order to fight this trend of movement into ant hills we need to hang on to our American traditions, beliefs and values. Any new arrivals, even though they are illegal aliens, may be seduced by the light side, and if they turn into traditional Americans, even if it takes them years, the ant hill constructors will have failed.
"There is nothing as easy as denouncing. It don't take much to see that something is wrong, but it does take some eyesight to see what will put it right again" ~ Will Rogers
If we had many more but smaller corporations, as well as small family owned stores, service companies and manufacturers the power of political correctness would be weakened. If your boss is a jerk you just go to a new job. This situation developed because people would be concerned about the power of large corporations, so they would demand that the government Do Something. The rules and regulations thereby induced would make life much harder for small companies than for large, who would just filled up a room with lawyers and accountants. (Don't throw me into that briar patch!) This consolidated power in both corporations and government. We need rules that give the economic advantage to smaller companies, and tend to cause a large company to fission into smaller ones. It also needs to be easy to start a new company; you want to make it easy for a group of bright, young executives and engineers to leave their parent company and start their own, infuriating their old bosses. (I used to tell people that as long as the corporations support the Republicans the Democrats will do their bidding.)
Anyway, I think the issue is more about being pushed into a human ant hill and less about ideology. The ideology may be just an excuse.
Stay Brave, Stay Free
Excellent analogy!
I can picture my husband and me as being among the few who do not want to be captureed into the ant hill, but that could mean living with austerity, if we are cut off from the world through digital technologies meant to track all the ants. Personally, I do have trepidation about that scenario, but I also believe that there are some [ant] hills worth dying on.
Also, I like your thoughts about reaching out to illegals, if they are not deported, to try to communicate with them the values that America was founded on and how those would serve them well too. That may be very difficult, seeing how unsuccessfully the mass immigration to Europen countries over the past decade has turned out, becoming a breeding ground for people who do not assilimate and who wish to disrupt Western cultures. Ideally, we should deport all of the people who came here illegally, and give deference to those trying their hardest to come here legally. We are far from living in an ideal world, though. So, we should be thinking about how to reach out to those who will stay, despite the illegality. Just my two cents...
Great essay, as always!