There are nearly 200,000 Federal government employees in the DC area. Almost all of them vote for Democrats because their useless and pointless jobs could be eliminated with the stroke of a presidential pen. They are the Swamp. If a good share of them were fired, the government would function better. America is lagging behind Europe in its recognition that centralized power is a mistake and nationalism is nothing but patriotism.
David, another beatifically written piece. How did a physicist become so literate? I never read "The Fate of Empires;" it would probably demoralize me. The Book, "Generations" by Strauss and Howe (which I guess you read on my "About" page), also used historical patterns to predict a crisis in 2020. It's here. I didn't call it the "Age of Decadence, " but the period from 1950 - 2024 is "The Great Transition." We have now been transformed, which is the overriding theme of CRISIS. I have a longer piece coming out in a week or two summarizing the period.
I was talking with a Russian physicist with whom I worked and told him about the 80 year cycle of the fourth turning. He said he thought Russia also had such a cycle. Can’t take credit for being literate, it’s just sort of there.
There are nearly 200,000 Federal government employees in the DC area. Almost all of them vote for Democrats because their useless and pointless jobs could be eliminated with the stroke of a presidential pen. They are the Swamp. If a good share of them were fired, the government would function better. America is lagging behind Europe in its recognition that centralized power is a mistake and nationalism is nothing but patriotism.
Sounds like a plan.
Another inspirational essay. Thank you.
This is outstanding. Insightful and inspirational.
Thank you!
David, another beatifically written piece. How did a physicist become so literate? I never read "The Fate of Empires;" it would probably demoralize me. The Book, "Generations" by Strauss and Howe (which I guess you read on my "About" page), also used historical patterns to predict a crisis in 2020. It's here. I didn't call it the "Age of Decadence, " but the period from 1950 - 2024 is "The Great Transition." We have now been transformed, which is the overriding theme of CRISIS. I have a longer piece coming out in a week or two summarizing the period.
I was talking with a Russian physicist with whom I worked and told him about the 80 year cycle of the fourth turning. He said he thought Russia also had such a cycle. Can’t take credit for being literate, it’s just sort of there.
I’d have to get my Russian history book out, as I lack a sense of the rhythm of it.
Like many talents, it was inherent.
It was just under the 80 cycle time from the Russian revolution to the fall of the Soviet Union. Don’t know what was going on there around 1840ish.
Yes, I can’t verify it.