Another Independence Day has come and gone, and celebrating it reminds us of the importance of individual liberty as well as the importance of independence from foreign domination. Always there is the danger of liberty slipping away.
"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." ~ Elmer Davis
Benjamin Franklin famously opined that we have a republic, if we can keep it. Can we keep it? It is in danger as of late, but it's always in danger. We have international globalists who want us to become serfs, and we have a bureaucracy that thinks we are serfs. The idea of nationalism is under attack by globalists with a goal of eliminating individual nations, making them sort of administrative provinces of the shadowy world leaders. It's a world wide attack on all nations, and is really a war against civilization. All of these multitudinous weirdnesses we see, transgenderism everywhere for instance, are planned. It appears that the target is the demolishing of civilization as we know it.
There seems to be a lifetime for any empire, and retired British general Sir John Glubb maintained it was around 200 to 250 years:
He thought that empires go through stages:
The Age of Pioneers (outburst)
The Age of Conquests
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellect
The Age of Decadence.
And it looks like we have hit the age of decadence, so we have a double whammy at our throats.
Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil. Our great hope lies in developing what is good. Calvin Coolidge
To a great extent it's not about politics, laws or any of that, it's about what is in our hearts, and are we strong and brave enough to retain our country. Many on the Left in this country actually believe the propaganda that “right wingers,” which would be anybody but themselves, want to bring on a fascist state. If that were true the “right” would be the party of gun control, and would have been burning and looting hither and yon throughout the land. Their fearfulness probably contributes greatly to their world view, which means that they, as well as the rest of us need to work to be less fearful. Under-appreciated president Calvin Coolidge had a few words to say that I think are relevant:
"We do not need more material development, we need more spiritual development. We do not need more intellectual power, we need more moral power. We do not need more knowledge, we need more character. We do not need more government, we need more culture. We do not need more law, we need more religion. We do not need more of the things that are seen, we need more of the things that are unseen. It is on that side of life that it is desirable to put the emphasis at the present time. If that side be strengthened, the other side will take care of itself." ~ Calvin Coolidge
It's people on the other side of Coolidge's mindset that are so fearfull that they fall for these untruths.
People in most of the European countries long ago lost much of their feelings for individual liberty since those countries have long possessed powerful authoritarian governments. No doubt living in such a place subtly changes one into a more serf-like mindset. So be less serf-like.
It seems like a lot of Europeans think of the United States as a European country that happens to be in North America, and thereby have difficulty seeing where we are coming from. (And I have run into a LOT of Europeans in my job, plus other assorted types.) The belief seems to be that the leaders are the leaders, we are not, and whatever the leaders decide will be. It's important that we maintain our American viewpoint that our leaders report to us, even though they seem to have forgotten it.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." ~ Ronald Reagan
The globalists who wish to control the world without any interference from the untermensch see the United States as a terrible impediment to their dreams, and it needs to be either destroyed or at least de-fanged. These ideas of ours, American ideals of individual liberty and rule by the people, keep percolating throughout the world at large and the blogosphere, causing people worldwide to start wanting the right to defend themselves in court from the kings of the world, defend themselves with force if necessary from both the elites and common criminals, and they would like to be able to speak their minds without fear of a dirt nap in an undisclosed location. In short we're a bad influence.
The fourth of July celebration of Independence Day is about our separation of ourselves from mother England, the deep state of the time. It's been called almost a miracle that it happened at all. Many will say that, well, England was so busy in so many places that they just did not have the resources to properly crush you, (and that could be part of the miracle), but that's really just a specious argument.
The people who populate the deep state and the globalist community are not actually what you would call very impressive people, though they may have ivy league degrees. They are mostly not the people who build and design things, mostly not engineers, scientists, doctors and have never run a company. They don’t design bulidings or bridges that might fall down if they make a mistake. Think of all of the physical aspects of modern life; electricity, automobiles, modern medicine such as it is, the list is endless. These are the people who did not build it, but they want to be seen as the best of humanity, and maybe they actually believe that they are the smartest. Having been born rich (usually) they are afraid of the prospect of becoming poor, and never had the experience of being young and poor in a small apartment, so don't have the confidence that most of us do that we could do that again if need be. They are not even really unified, but rather competing sharks. Then we have heads of international corporations who don't like those pesky borders either.
To remain free we must be brave. How often during the recent pandemic festivities have you been told “stay safe”? How often has someone replied “stay free” or “stay brave”, or even better, “stay brave, stay free?” Why not? People were quite fearful at the time, so it would seem to be vital to remind others as well as oneself of the importance of not succumbing to fear. I encourage all to respond to “ stay safe” with “ stay brave, stay free”. What makes it so important? Acting and speaking as though you are not afraid will actually make you less so, and saying “stay brave, stay free” may help the other person retain his courage. The words themselves remind us that being fearful is part of the road to serfdom. Also, a fearful people may not speak the truth when confronted with the lies of the powerful. :
It was once the common belief among people in general, and even turned up in sermons, that a failure to defend innocent life, including one's own, was a sin. You must defend your family, help your neighbor if thugs attack him, and your land as a whole needs defending. A failure to defend one's own life was thought tantamount to the sin of suicide. Willfully being unable to do so would be part and parcel of such a sin, and would mark one as not just a coward but as contributing to evil. We are being propagandized into an opposing point of view, one in which it is a supposed virtue to not defend innocent life so that we are more easily controlled.
"Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have." ~ Harry Emerson Fosdick
Stay Brave, Stay Free
There are nearly 200,000 Federal government employees in the DC area. Almost all of them vote for Democrats because their useless and pointless jobs could be eliminated with the stroke of a presidential pen. They are the Swamp. If a good share of them were fired, the government would function better. America is lagging behind Europe in its recognition that centralized power is a mistake and nationalism is nothing but patriotism.
Another inspirational essay. Thank you.