Very nice, David. It does indeed give food for thought.

I agree with your thesis about the enemy doing everything possible to disrupt nuclear families, and families in general. It's Communism/Marxism 101. You can see it today in every part of pop culture. Turn on the TV and you are forced to sit through a litany of let's-cram-woke-messages-down-their-throats commercials, promoting promiscuity and gender dysphoria in the guise of tolerance. Their goal has nothing to do with tolerance, they want to normalize all the behaviors that disrupt our Western civilization's traditions and norms, so people have less strength and are more compliant subjects. And you can trace this phenomenon back to the incentivization of illegitimacy of children through subsidizing out-of-wedlock births and the entitlement funds they would bring. All of it has been about destroying the intact family, from day one.

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Old saying; tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved people. Also, civilizations don’t survive the acceptance of homosexuality and the feminization of men. Don’t know how true the last is, but it’s not good.

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Top shelf Dave!

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There might be a genetic component. Crossing the Atlantic in a wooden ship in the 17th or 18th century required courage and a desire for freedom. Less amounts later, but still considerable. (I'm well aware that there were other factors.) So people in the US may have a genetic predisposition for freedom. Europeans tend to see the US as a European country located in North America, but I think there is this subtle difference. Also, immigrants who were happy with the top down British royalty system tended to stay in the North East where the feudal system was in use., and that is where modern liberalism is strongest, modern liberalism really being a type of statism.

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