Yes, Thanksgiving is a great holiday but for God’s sake don’t speak freely. Avoid any mention of subjects that triggers anyone for any reason. Walk carefully and don’t let your eyes betray your awareness of one of the ginormous elephants in the room (such as ‘my sister died of blood clots and both brothers developed atrial fibrillation, all arising from The Injections’). In other words, self censorship is paramount.
Great sentiments, David~I agree. I have been in vicious arguments with family in recent years past, Covid, vaccines, socialism, etc. It never ended well and I would fly home bitter and angry. I have since learned being 70ish and my brothers older, that we have a relatively short time to get it right as far as just coming together to love and have fun. So, I just let triggering statements roll off my back and I don't make any. I leave with peace in my heart. Whatever sword other people choose to take up is on them. I still take a strong stand on the issues I believe in but one of the places to get on my podium is not Thanksgiving. I have learned to let go and let God, not perfectly but a whole lot better than years past, where having a defensive attitude was my middle name. I think it is important not to have regrets when you don't know at any given time in this fractured world when you might lose a loved one. So, may everyone out there forgive and celebrate our humanity together on this Thanksgiving and every day thereafter and Thank God for his teaching moments.
Yes, Thanksgiving is a great holiday but for God’s sake don’t speak freely. Avoid any mention of subjects that triggers anyone for any reason. Walk carefully and don’t let your eyes betray your awareness of one of the ginormous elephants in the room (such as ‘my sister died of blood clots and both brothers developed atrial fibrillation, all arising from The Injections’). In other words, self censorship is paramount.
Unfortunately, yup.
Happy Thanksgiving, David, to you and yours!
God bless...
Happy Thanksgiving back at ya.
Great sentiments, David~I agree. I have been in vicious arguments with family in recent years past, Covid, vaccines, socialism, etc. It never ended well and I would fly home bitter and angry. I have since learned being 70ish and my brothers older, that we have a relatively short time to get it right as far as just coming together to love and have fun. So, I just let triggering statements roll off my back and I don't make any. I leave with peace in my heart. Whatever sword other people choose to take up is on them. I still take a strong stand on the issues I believe in but one of the places to get on my podium is not Thanksgiving. I have learned to let go and let God, not perfectly but a whole lot better than years past, where having a defensive attitude was my middle name. I think it is important not to have regrets when you don't know at any given time in this fractured world when you might lose a loved one. So, may everyone out there forgive and celebrate our humanity together on this Thanksgiving and every day thereafter and Thank God for his teaching moments.