Look up Samuel Whittemore on all things liberty.com
78 years old working in his fields when he heard the British approaching on their way to Boston. He crouched behind a stone wall armed with a musket and pistol. He rose up and shot at least two dead. He was shot in the face and bayoneted at least six times before having his face caved in with the butts of British rifles and left for dead. When his neighbors found him he was on his knees reloading.
He died at 96. I heard the story from Erik Prince…..who should be POTUS after Trump. Has a podcast called Off Leash. Just saying…
the Sam Whittemore story has always been inspirational. Wolfing is cheap but that is my intent and promise to myself if that time comes. Or should I say when that time comes. That is why I train.
Ambushing and murdering policemen is becoming a popular sport in Dem controlled cities. It happens all the time, now, and the news media seems to have no idea why police departments are having trouble finding sacrificial sheep.
Meanwhile in Toronto, our icy friends from the North cannot use videos from their "Ring" doorbells as evidence of break-ins because it has been determined that this is a violation of the thief's privacy.
The Western world has gone insane. Russia, China, and India are the hope of the future.
Liked you article. Not giving up is necessary for whatever you are doing. I think it was Calvin Coolidge who said that there are many smart failures , and persistence was the most important thing.
The implied question is, Why has the right surrendered to the left's Long March Through the Institution, without really putting up much of a fight?
IMHO It may be because our philosophy and approach to life is, 'live and let live'. It allows the left to sneak up behind us and steal our freedoms. Our sin is complacency. David Horowitz said, "Conservatives tend to be complacent. Live and let live is a conservative idea."
When will the depredations of the left become so great that we stand up and fight back? It may already be too late.
David, that was a fabulous piece. Just excellent. "Don't let them grind you down?" Well, I've fought a few battles; won some, lost some, but the war may be lost. My entire life has straddled what I call "The Great Transformation." That's what CRISIS is all about. Fred
A very powerful and informative essay. I always assumed that I would give up if I had no chance. You know, where there’s life there’s hope. It’s a hard choice. As far as the long March , I fought my share of battles in the education works. Los most, won some , but lost the war to the zeitgeist. My mothballed me idealistic, but I couldn’t give in to nonsense. That long March to the woke insanity was long and multi faceted. Your piece was somewhat demoralizing, that’s why I locked my door at night. Great peace I gotta run. I’m watching grandkids.
Look up Samuel Whittemore on all things liberty.com
78 years old working in his fields when he heard the British approaching on their way to Boston. He crouched behind a stone wall armed with a musket and pistol. He rose up and shot at least two dead. He was shot in the face and bayoneted at least six times before having his face caved in with the butts of British rifles and left for dead. When his neighbors found him he was on his knees reloading.
He died at 96. I heard the story from Erik Prince…..who should be POTUS after Trump. Has a podcast called Off Leash. Just saying…
the Sam Whittemore story has always been inspirational. Wolfing is cheap but that is my intent and promise to myself if that time comes. Or should I say when that time comes. That is why I train.
Ambushing and murdering policemen is becoming a popular sport in Dem controlled cities. It happens all the time, now, and the news media seems to have no idea why police departments are having trouble finding sacrificial sheep.
Meanwhile in Toronto, our icy friends from the North cannot use videos from their "Ring" doorbells as evidence of break-ins because it has been determined that this is a violation of the thief's privacy.
The Western world has gone insane. Russia, China, and India are the hope of the future.
Liked you article. Not giving up is necessary for whatever you are doing. I think it was Calvin Coolidge who said that there are many smart failures , and persistence was the most important thing.
The implied question is, Why has the right surrendered to the left's Long March Through the Institution, without really putting up much of a fight?
IMHO It may be because our philosophy and approach to life is, 'live and let live'. It allows the left to sneak up behind us and steal our freedoms. Our sin is complacency. David Horowitz said, "Conservatives tend to be complacent. Live and let live is a conservative idea."
When will the depredations of the left become so great that we stand up and fight back? It may already be too late.
Excellent commentary. The reptilian intent is to turn us all into Eloi. We can't allow that.
David, that was a fabulous piece. Just excellent. "Don't let them grind you down?" Well, I've fought a few battles; won some, lost some, but the war may be lost. My entire life has straddled what I call "The Great Transformation." That's what CRISIS is all about. Fred
A very powerful and informative essay. I always assumed that I would give up if I had no chance. You know, where there’s life there’s hope. It’s a hard choice. As far as the long March , I fought my share of battles in the education works. Los most, won some , but lost the war to the zeitgeist. My mothballed me idealistic, but I couldn’t give in to nonsense. That long March to the woke insanity was long and multi faceted. Your piece was somewhat demoralizing, that’s why I locked my door at night. Great peace I gotta run. I’m watching grandkids.