Gun free signs posted on private businesses are to be ignored unless of course they have metal detectors such as sports or concert venues.

It is not against the law however if the owner or mangement can identify a firearm being concealed then they can ask you to leave. If you refuse then you can be arrested for trespassing.

If your identited carrying then you need some serious training and education on carrying concealed.

Carrying on Federal and on some states property can be prosecuted but not private busniess so ignore.

A peaceful mass non compliance to so many mandates is what’s needed in America.

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The points you make are clear, inarguable, easy to understand, and provable by statistics on gun crime. But apparently, our “education” system has rooted out the last vestiges of common sense and critical thought. Hence, the virtue signaling of the ubiquitous “guns are bad” mantra.

We are teaching people to disarm themselves in order to be safe! And they believe it!

The psychosis here is mind blowing!

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Modern education really doesn’t teach critical thinking, except somewhat in mathematics. I had some thoughts on that.


and some 2A thoughts


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Don't know what to say about the Lott link. While writing it worked, now there is a pay wall. After publication the pay wall was there on my computer but not on my smart phone. It looks like it comes and goes. Keep trying it if you are interested.

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NZ is a gun free zone: the crims and the police can defend themselves.

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