Very good, Sir!

In my never humble opinion, we have, for decades, been executing a very effective program to deliberately 'dumb down' the population. And by outsourcing virtually all productive economic activity, we have eliminated a significant portion of our skill base.

Literacy and numeracy are sinking to third world levels. Useful skills are no longer taught in schools, or in our homes. We can no longer grow our own food, cook our own meals, or build anything, or fix anything.

And most people have absolutely NO idea how things work. ANY things. Like where the water comes from when they turn the tap, or where the sewage goes when they flush, or why the lights come on when the flip the switch. Or where their food comes from. They lack even a basic understanding of economic realities. (Which may be why debt is now calculated in TRILLIONS!) Perhaps the least understood aspect of our lives is government. Even many of the unfortunate souls who labor in the bureaucracies seem confused as to the role of government. Or how it is supposed to work.

We banned the teaching of civics, or history, and associated patriotism with "white supremacism". And made sure everyone understood their "rights" but not their obligations as citizens. We replaced post secondary "education" with indoctrination, and started awarding meaningless degrees in meaningless subjects to functional illiterates.

To survive as a nation, we have to address these issues. With Trump we are, hopefully, off to a good start - but we have been trying to destroy our culture for three quarters of a century. I fear we can't fix it in just four years.

But - you gotta start somewhere.

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Didn’t seem like I could really do the subject justice in a short essay; it’s complex. If we all see it as an issue it’s a start.

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"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." ~ George S. Patton

Patton was homeschooled. (Don't know if he was good enough to beat Napoleon at chess.)

The way to improve critical thinking is to totally rid America of the public school system and, of course, the teachers unions. Set the minds of America's young free.

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I did not know that.

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I just checked to make sure. He was taught at home by his aunt until the 6th grade then I think he went to private military schools.

U.S. Presidents who were homeschooled include John Adams, John Quincy Adams, James Garfield, William, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, James Polk, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, and George Washington.

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Good start, now if we could teach.the current and next generation the importance of thinking for oneself, of looking for facts or proof of the absurdity taught today. What you say about the political ads is so true. Really all or most advertisements seem to be trying to manipulate the viewers' emotions through fear or promises of happiness and easy living. I've been known to teach young people that everything they learn isn't necessarily the truth, that parents and teachers are not perfect. That the youngsters need to use their brains and think about what they are being told or seeing and then to decide for themselves on right and wrong, etc. Sadly, some parents and teachers don't always have the best interests of the young people foremost in their motivations. It's not even always a malicious or purposeful motivation. It just is and if we can teach the young people before it's too late, we can save them a whole lot of heartache and trouble in their lives.

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