So true. We must defy any and all COVID-related mandates - soon to become climate change mandates, like climate change lockdowns. They were lying to us about every aspect of COVID 19. Where it came from, how deadly it was, how many cases there really were of deaths by COVID vs deaths with COVID, that the tests and modeling were accurate, that early proven effective and safe therapeutics were unsafe, and that untested vaccines with a novel form of delivery were safe and effective, when they did not prevent infection or transmission, and were not even tested on preventing transmission. They lied about the clinical trials data and lack of follow-up on the participants, the vaccine injured, the reasons for locking down a healthy population for the first time in history. They lied about the 1000s of dangerous side effects, the numerous premature deaths from the vaccines, and I could go on and on. These were not unintended lies -they were calculated and coordinated and planned well before 2020. They think the peoples of the world are so stupid and unable to do their own research and exercise critical thinking to break through the official narratives, that they can use this same playbook on us again running up to the 2024 election. It is our God-given and Constitutionally-authorized DUTY to NOT COMPLY with a tyrannical government that has usurped the power from the people. For each one of us who says, "No. I will not be forced to wear a mask" and insists on not being thrown out of a school or a restaurant or a doctor's office for not wearing a mask, that is a rallying cry for freedom! Imagine if MILLIONS of us all did that - if we stood up to the blatant encroachment on our liberties to resist their totalitarian and fascist and unlawful and unconstitutional and harmful orders. We CAN end this nightmare right now. It IS within our power. Though it often feels like it, we are not completely defenseless. Massive noncompliance and nonviolent pushback can terminate their reign of terror. Our vast numbers are the only thing they fear. So now is not the time for timidity, for going along to get along. Now is the time to step up! Step us for our children's generation and for their children's generation and beyond. Step up for humanity. Expose the truth. Share the truth. The truth is what will set us free and we need to make sure the peoples of the world have access to the truth - all of it, uncensored. First we set ourselves free from their tyrannical chokehold, then we hold these monsters to account with legal prosecutions, trials, and punishment's.

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They not only fear our numbers, they fear our guns. A silver lining from the Covid games was many people realized for the first time that the powerful really do want total control, something that had been hidden by all of the political BS. 2A support is up from that, as well the riots that they did not want to stop. The Rittenhouse trial showed that they had no interest in justice, only power over the people.

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That is some good to come out of this...and there will probably be even more good to come out of all this madness. Great point.

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