The Ron Paul quote is spot on:

"The gun control debate generally ignores the historical and philosophical underpinnings of the Second amendment. The Second amendment is not about hunting deer or keeping a pistol in your nightstand. It is not about protecting oneself against common criminals. It is about preventing tyranny. The Founders knew that unarmed citizens would never be able to overthrow a tyrannical government as they did. They envisioned government as a servant, not a master, of the American people. The muskets they used against the British Army were the assault rifles of that time. It is practical, rather than alarmist, to understand that unarmed citizens cannot be secure in their freedoms." - Ron Paul

Here's another excellent essay about coming to terms with the second amendment's vital purpose:


The gardener/warrior analogy really hits home. Thank you for such a thoughtful article.

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I read he essay some time ago, it is very good, so I recommend it to everyone. It’s really interesting to see the anti-gun mindset she was brought up with and to see how she changed. A lot of the change was probably due to her new husband. To those of us raised in rural areas it’s sometimes hard to understand that mindset. She also did a great essay called, I think something like return of the old Gods. Basically as we became more secular ancient dark spiritual forces have been allowed to return.

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Yes, I read that essay too. It is excellent. She also wrote an amazing essay about abortion and how callously it has been treated by its proponents over the years. She is such a thoughtful and eloquent writer...one of my top favorites.

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I thought the gardener tale was important since many people in America have lost sight of the way the world can be, common in wealthy areas. N. Wolf’s article showed that she grew up in that mindset; a gardener will never have to worry about a war. She talked about how afraid she had been as an unarmed single mother. Kind of you to call me thoughtful. I often feel like I’m a dumb guy masquerading as a smart one.

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You are incredibly smart, and your words carry such weight, because you infuse them with both information and wisdom. Rare to have both, and you do in spades.

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so do I but masquerading as a fairly smart one.

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Yes, Absolutely! The Chinese illustration sums it up nicely and your collection of quotes shores up the main message:

Be armed, aware and inherently belligerent against little dictators acting as minions on behalf of those who’d bring tyranny over us...each in our own towns and villages

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Excellent post. Saw that the war on the 2nd Amendment is still on with the Supreme Court majority minus Alito and Thomas refusing to hear the ridiculous Illinois gun case. Trump got snookered with Barett, Kavenaugh and Gorsich.

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Realizing the importance of the Second Amendment seems to require an amount of imagination that many people don’t possess. Being intelligent is not the same. Of course, some people realize it because of experience.

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"Doing what we've been doing is a good start."

Is it, though? I'm not sure it's sufficient - I'm also not entirely sure what is, or what would be. I can't help but feel like we have too much ground to make up...

Though, the concept of the Overton window offers some hope.

Great piece!!

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Thanks. Yes, things have gone downhill, but we are still ahead of other countries. I guess I wrote it to inspire people and maybe make some difference.

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P.S. I would like everyone to slip the concept into their speech. Maybe casually mention the old Chinese tale in conversation.

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I like that idea.

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Be like water…

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David - meaningful proverb and one that is proven time and again. Your writing is extremely well summarized with quotations that work together harmoniously.

For most of my life I never understood that the 2nd amendment essentially refers to protection from the government, something we increasingly need. The anti-gun lobby are either useful idiots being played or light years beyond naïve. The ATF is doing end runs around gun owner rights, shutting down firearms dealers for minutia paperwork infractions to make gun/ammo acquisition difficult and one day, impossible. They, as part of the one world government cabal are trying to breed gardeners for the growing war of existence.

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I never knew any lobbyists, but I knew anti-gun types working at the university. With them it was more like they were in their bubble and know no better. Like the woman who couldn't understand how Nixon won since she didn't know anyone who voted for him. Their arrogance assured them that they were the most intelligent in the world, so anyone with whom they disagreed on anything must be wrong. The price of arrogance is foolishness. You might like another 2A essay of mine:


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It’s not surprising that you didn’t understand. Any discussions in media routinely ignore that point of view, and it is treated as extremism that cannot be taken seriously. Ron Paul was treated that way too.

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