It's fashionable among the left leaning babbling class to denigrate thoughts that false flags might be occurring, especially false flags instigated by the pure as the driven snow Left. One may be denigrated a a Conspiracy Theorist if one so opines, as though the powerful would never think of conspiring with each other for their own benefit.
A false flag operation is one intended to disguise the identity of the actual perpetrator, possibly with the intent of blaming their enemy.
an attack or other hostile action that obscures the identity of the participants carrying out the action while implicating another group or nation as the perpetrator (often used attributively): Evidence suggests that the covert operation was a false flag.The false flag terrorist attack lured the military into a hasty response.
a misrepresentation of affiliation or motivation or a false equivalence deliberately put forth to manipulate the context, perception, or frame of an action, object, or argument (often used attributively): Public schools are losing tax dollars to private schools under the false flag of school vouchers expanding parental choice.
a flag flown to disguise the nationality or affiliation of a vessel, vehicle, or base of operations: Surviving sailors reported that the privateer was flying a false flag on approach and attacked as soon as cannons were in range.
From the left leaning wikipedia:
And from Britannica:
Pirate ships would fly the flag of some nation until they were close, then raise the Jolly Roger.
False flags have been used in both war and politics throughout history. They especially happen in third world country dirty civil war, revolutions and power struggles, of which we in the affluent West may often remain unaware, and indeed are reluctant even to believe. That one political faction would murder a goodly number of their own in order to achieve some goal such as gaining sympathy or as an excuse for military action can be a hard pill for we sensitive Western Civilization souls to swallow.
As observers we have the problem that the very nature of a false flag is designed to obscure the truth, so if we suspect one, what do we do? An example would be the Gulf of Tonkin incident, believed to have been a simple false attack by North Vietnamese torpedo boats that didn't actually happen so as to involve us in the Vietnam war. The truth as I believe has been revealed is more complex; U.S. and South Vietnamese naval forces were conducting operations against the shore facilities of North Vietnam. Fast patrol boats would shoot up targets of opportunity, commando raids would take place, and etc. The North Vietnamese acted in self defense and attacked American destroyers, just not in the actual incident portrayed. Is that what actually happened? Those who say don't know and those who know don't say, unless they did. (But then, anyone who doesn't believe that the Communists were out to enslave all mankind during the Cold War is kidding himself.)
A possible course of study in high schools would be on the use of false flag operations through history. Students would learn about historical cases and how they generally work. Students should be asked to explain what kind of false flags they would plan if they were a king or queen and were trying to subjugate their populace, and write an essay about it. Speak to your local school board while keeping an eye out for federal agents.
My ideas for some such changes to a school curriculum are here:
We've reached the point where we can hardly tell what incidents are real as reported and which are not. Consider the Newtown school shooting. Frankly, I don't know what to believe. We are expected to believe that in the age of cell phone pictures no pictures ended up on the internet from inside the school. With gunfire all around them, instead of running madly out the doors and not stopping for three blocks, the children calmly lined up with the teacher and were led to safety. Note how sedate they are in the picture below, all except the crying girl with her shadow on the wrong way. Just the fact that there were twenty six people killed and no injuries is enough to send up red flags; you would expect 2 or 3 wounded for each killed as at Columbine. (And why on Earth were all of the staff unarmed. Oh yeah, it's a rule.) There is enough funny business to make one wonder, but the really chilling thought is that a true false flag would be one in which the children were indeed killed, but not by Lanza. No doubt the ends justify the means
It seems to me that the Columbine shooting probably happened much as was reported; when seconds counted the police were just hours away. If Newtown happened as reported, it's very odd. If it was fake, it was a conspiracy. If the children were intentionally killed and blamed on Lanza, it was a false flag.
How about the Las Vegas shooting?
There has been a massive effort to support the official narrative, the above video explains that things were much different than reported. It's possible that it was a foreign terrorist attack, but it's also possible that it was a false flag for the purpose of pushing civilian disarmament. The whole video is over 2 hours long, but if you catch the first 15 minutes you will get an overview of eye witness evidence that there were multiple shooters in multiple locations, all of which has been hidden. (I remember seeing a scanned image on the internet of a classified newspaper ad in, I think, the Las Vegas paper of Paddock advertising that he was selling firearms, presumably legally. That, plus his location, would explain why he would have had 20 or so guns in his room, and why he would be the perfect patsy. If he had an FFL that would be a matter of public record. I don't think you can find the ad now, or his FFL info.)
The signature of a false flag operation is a spectacular event followed by massive media coverage, and cover up of vital information Simultaneous drills, a changing story, there are unanswered questions, but the story is quickly closed. Look for who gains from the event, connections to FBI, CIA or others, a convenient scapegoat, media narrative against scapegoat's group, then government takes action against said group. I give credit to this article for explaining what to look for:
"If you start studying history closer, you'll find that most all wars are based on false flag operations to get people - to convince the people that they're under attack in some way so that they will support the wars." ~ Jesse Ventura
"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed." ~ Mark Twain
Stay Brave, Stay Free
Great choice of topic, given we have offically entered the election year and chaos surrounds us from all sides. This, in the midst of simultaneous 5th genderation warfare and psyops deployments, is fertile ground for a false flag maneuver. Who knows what type of false flag they have planned for 2024? With all that is at stake, it could be monumental. Getting as many people to learn and recogize the specific signs of a flase flag is vital and timely. Excellent article - thank you!